Aspire Place is a residential children’s home which is part of Aspire 2 Be Ltd. Aspire Place has a commitment and desire to provide high quality, child centred care to children and young people aged 11 – 17 years with emotional and behavioural diffIculties (EBD) who are unable to live safely within a family setting – Please replace your paragraph with this.


Our primary focus is to keep children and young people safe whilst achieving our objectives of providing personalised care and support. Please replace your paragraph with this.

These emotional & behavioural difficulties may include: Please replace this with- Examples of emotional and behavioural difficulties that we support our children and young people with includes: – 

  • Anti-social and challenging behaviors
  • Risk of CSE and CCE
  • Violent or aggressive responses to anxiety
  • Gang culture involvement and potential County Lines
  • Risk taking behaviors
  • Self-Harm
  • Substance misuse
  • Missing from home
  • Compliance and authority issues
  • Offending and misconduct
  • Refusal to engage with education
  • Likely admission to secure provision

Children whose behaviors are extreme e.g., patterns of arson will not be considered for a placement given the ethos at Aspire Place.

A fundamental objective of Aspire Place is to ensure that we provide ongoing individual attention, stability and     support to children and young people who have experienced disrupted development and multiple placement moves. The daily running of Aspire Place is based on a structured day with clear routines, firm boundaries and personalised care.

Our approach to managing children who display behaviors that challenge is resilient, personalised, positive and non- prejudiced. We emphasise the ethos of positive relationships based upon mutual respect, understanding and the need to function effectively as part of a group. Our residential support workers act as positive role models and support children to make safe and healthy choices, reduce challenging behaviours and ensure that children can realise their potential through learning and activities. Staff ratios enable quality time and attention to be spent developing these relationships.

Aspire Place is not an institutionalised home and should never be referred to as a “unit”. We take pride in the appearance of Aspire Place; our furnishings are of a high standard. We afford children all the experiences and opportunities that they need, to equip them to be reflective for the transition into adult life. Children’s voices are heard and they are empowered to make decisions in the running of the home when appropriate. Creative and practical solutions are sought to ensure that care plans and protection plans are implemented fully.


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Our Ofsted Reports