Our primary focus is to keep children safe
Aspire Place is a residential children’s home which provides the high-quality care and substitute parenting for up to three children who experience emotional and behavioural difficulties (EBD). The home is fully accredited and trained in PACE therapeutic parenting. Also all management is trained in delivering PACEful Supervision to support the staff team to develop therapeutic parenting skills within the home.
We are child centred and measure success by achieving good outcomes- Replace this with We are child centred and measure success by achieving good positive outcomes-
Professionalism in our work implies high standards, tenacity and dedication. We act as champions and advocate for the children placed in our care. Quality relationships between the children and the residential support workers are a significant feature in effecting change in the children. Our staff to child ratios reflect this, allowing quality time to be spent developing significant relationships. There is an emphasis on finding solutions rather than dwelling on problems.